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How to Get On and Off a Plane without Getting Sick

By August 10, 2011October 26th, 2014No Comments

Photo Credit: Davipt on Flickr.com

Have you ever been on a long haul flight?  You know, the big kind – six hours or more.  Flying can be both physically and mentally exhausting. If you’re traveling to what feels like (or what actually is) half way across the world, you’ll have to take some steps to ensure you arrive to your destination fresh faced, energetic and pain free.

  1. Hydration: As flying can be exhausting in and of itself, be sure to drink things that are good for your body.  Water is the best followed by juice. Water is necessary because the humidity in planes hovers around 20% (the average humidity in the Sahara Desert is 25%). Water helps combat this extreme dryness.
  2. Vitamin C: Air in all planes is re-circulated throughout the duration of the flight.  Vitamin C will help your body fight whatever the other 200 people on your flight are breathing.
  3. Move Your Body: Some doctors say Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is an overstated illness.  That being said, it’s still a real possibility.  DVT is when blood pools in your legs and forms clots in your legs.  Try these exercises throughout the duration of your flight  to combat DVT.  Whether it be rolling your ankles, pumping your calves or simply getting up and walking around, it’s a wise idea for you to move your legs while sitting for so long.
  4. Make Your Own Food: Eat before you get to the airport and carry on something healthy.  If you’ve ever eaten on a plane, you know it isn’t the best food in the world.  Bring along one of these healthier alternatives and your body will thank you after the flight.
  5. Use the Guru: Check Seat Guru before choosing your seat.  Just enter your airline and flight number, and you will have an instant view of where your seat is, positives and drawbacks to that particular seat.
  6. Avoid Jet Lag: The key to avoiding jet lag is adjusting to your internal clock to your destination as soon as possible.  By adjusting your sleep schedule, you’ll be able to acclimate to your new time zone much quicker and reduce jet lag.

Let’s face it, long flights can be boring.  So for your next flight, bring a movie with your laptop or load your iPod with your favorite tunes. Bring a good book or catch up on some z’s.  Whatever you do, make sure you take steps to ensure your flight is easier on your health and more enjoyable on your mind.

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