Welcome to Fitzness.com! I’m excited to connect with you and help you tack at least ten quality years on to your life. A little about me before we get to work. I’ve been teaching fitness since I was 15, and am even more in love with doing so now than I was then. I started teaching in traditional fitness centers and switched to teaching via mass media by the time I was 20. Reaching millions via TV, radio, books, magazines, online, and speaking engagements became my purpose and passion. MASS IMPACT IN HEALTH is my laser focus. My Master’s Degree in Exercise and Sport Sciences from the University of Florida opened many doors for me as a legitimate expert in the field.

I launched the Morning Mile before-school walking-running program in 2011 and began race announcing in 2014. The running industry has become such a wonderful part of my world. I mostly love that enormous amounts of people can do it at the same time, it requires very little instruction or little equipment. It’s a privilege to support so many people of all ages who are constantly working to better their health, communities, and great causes. Oh, I also beat up on cancer and used my experiences and expertise to write some books and create some presentations to help others do the same. You’ll find a ton (too much) of info about me here on this site, so I’ll stop here. Just know that I love you, I’m excited to support you, and if you do what I tell you to do … you will get where you want to go. Let’s get to work!