We all know the age-old rule of not touching pesky pimples. We’re supposed to let them do their thing and patiently wait for them to leave our faces. If you are anything but patient and are now suffering the consequences of acne scars we’ve got some solutions. There are hundreds of remedies to buy or make at home, but the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to handle these blemishes is to use lemon juice. There are multiple ways to do this for different skin types, but starting conservatively and then progressing through longer and stronger sessions will get you where you want to go.

You’ll need:

  • Lemon
  •  A cup
  • Cotton Balls/ Q-Tips

To start:

  • Roll the lemon with the palm of your hand, breaking the membranes and making it more juicy.
  • Cut the lemon in half.
  • Squeeze half of the lemon into a small bowl and strain the juice to remove unwanted bits like seeds or residue.

For beginners or people with sensitive skin, apply water to the juice (half and half) for the first couple applications to see how your face reacts. Make the solution stronger with continued use by adding less water. The first couple of times this might sting, but should not be painful.

To apply:

  1. Gather your necessities and head to a mirror.
  2. Place your Q-Tip (for small regions) or cotton ball (for larger regions) into the cup of lemon juice and apply to the affected area. Only apply to the affected area when starting later, feel free to apply to the entire face. Sometimes applying lemon juice to unaffected areas can cause the skin to peel. Be sure to keep juice away from open sores and eyes.
  3. Let sit for about 10-20 minutes. If you are starting for the first time, try no more than 5-10 minutes to see how your face reacts.
  4. Once complete, wash your face clean with warm water. Remember, if you feel a stinging sensation, remove the juice and try again tomorrow with more water (until your face adapts).
  5. Pat the face dry and moisturize.

Apply this treatment at night, to start. Mixing acidic juice with sunlight can cause unwanted discoloration on the skin. If you are applying the treatment in the morning, be sure to use sunscreen after you moisturize your face.

After you have used this solution for a while and are confident in how it works with your skin, begin applying the solution to the affected area at night and let it dry on its own. After the lemon juice dries, apply moisturizer and leave it on overnight. This can speed the process of removing unwanted scars. Also, be sure to wash your face in the morning and regularly apply sunscreen. Happy pampering!

**Always follow your doctor or dermatologist’s advice first. Everyone is different, and not all solutions work for everyone. Lemons are, of course, a natural ingredient … but you should still follow doctors advice.


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