Questions, Answers and Fun with Fitz

Welcome to Fitz’s Personal Blog – A New Thing

By August 22, 2013October 29th, 20142 Comments

So in itself is not a blog. I’ve prided myself on our magazine style writing where YOU are the subject and not ME. Bloggers tend to write about what they ate for lunch, how their morning workout went and how many blisters they have. Instead, was designed to provide informative articles, videos, product reviews, video interviews and other news you can use immediately to become more fit. The site is not changing, but due to a lot of harassment … I thought I’d do a little personal sharing or “blogging” here as well. You may find that I’m simply not that interesting anyway, but I do have some awesome experiences in this world of fitness and maybe taking a peek in to my little life may help you become more fit. Who knows?

I’m starting with a few random fun facts about me and then we’ll go from there. I’ll let you in on the good, bad, ugly, fun, delicious and celebrity-filled moments. I will always be willing to answer questions as well. To find “blog stuff” in the future, open the category Fitz’s Personal Blog Here we go!


    I’ve been teaching fitness since I was 15.

  2. My favorite credential is my Master’s Degree in Exercise and Sports Sciences with a focus on Sports Management from the University of Florida. Go Gators!
  3. I competed as a full-contact kickboxer for almost 10 years. My favorite thing to do was kick people in the head. I still enjoy that.
  4. I used to be 45 pounds heavier than I am today. I dropped the weight while fighting, when I was 21 and have never looked back. I didn’t like being overweight and I did buy size 13 jeans. I now wear a zero. That’s a pretty extreme change to make. The weight fell off as a result of uprooting my crappy eating habits and exchanging them for good ones. I’m so grateful that I did.
  5. I love almost every form of fitness. Except yoga. I hate to be still and I can’t turn my mind off, so yoga tortures me. However, I fully endorse it and think it’s great for those who do it.
  6. I love both vulgar rap and country music. My favorite workout songs are “Scarred” by Uncle Luke and “Get Back” by Ludacris.
  7. I’m an Oakley ambassador. It’s by far, the nicest line of fitness apparel I’ve ever owned. I couldn’t be prouder.
  8. I have two kids. They’re the happiest people alive and they love each other more than most kids love cookies.
  9. My husband is top-notch. Like, seriously … I’m definitely the winner in this relationship.
  10. I work out most days of the week, but I don’t always train like a mad woman. Sometimes I walk a few miles and sometimes I go like hell. I always do SOMETHING though.
  11. I usually have a tiny piece of chocolate every day.
  12. I like Diet Coke too. Oh, get over it! I’m not perfect. A glass a day on top of all the natural fresh foods  and water I enjoy isn’t going to do any harm at all.
  13. I do walk the walk and I legitimately love fitness.
  14. I’m the fitness expert for a regional ABC news affiliate, WCJB TV20.
  15. I’ve won a few nice awards, but my favorite rewards are happy people living in bodies they love thanks to following my advice. The Morning Mile is one of my greatest sources of pride as well.
  16. I’m a news junkie.
  17. I’d kill to be the spokesperson for Florida oranges.
  18. I love cowboy boots.
  19. My favorite healthy food? Veggie fajitas.
  20. Do I drink? I’ll take a Bud Light once in a while.
  21. I love water sports and wish I could do them more often.
  22. It makes me extra happy to hear from readers, so please take some time to say hello! The comment section is so easy to use. (In fact, I dare you to say hello right now!)
  23. I believe law enforcement and military are the best people in the world.
  24. I’m always honest. I’ll tell you when you do something awesome, but I’ll also tell you when you’ve done something wrong. No one ever has to guess where they stand with me. That keeps my life drama-free.
  25. I’ve kissed dolphins and giraffes. That’s good stuff.

What would you like to see, know or hear about on these personal pages?

Both photos taken by Aaron Daye of Gorillaz Ink

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson


  • Sarah Cain says:

    Hi Fitz, Great job on getting personal. I can definitely say that you do “walk the walk”, and you are a great trainer, motivator, fitness guru and friend! Thanks for helping me to get back in great shape. Life just feels better when you feel great! – Sarah Cain

    • Fitz Koehler says:

      Thanks so much Sarah! It’s a little outside of my box to chat about myself, but I’m going to give it a go! More importantly, it’s fun to talk about you, you, YOU and all of YOUR success! Losing 10 pounds off of your already-trim body in just seven weeks is a testament to your intense drive. Training you is a blast and I’m so grateful you followed my advice with ease.

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