Elizabeth McKay: Before and After Fitzness.com

Elizabeth McKay: Before and After

Elizabeth Ascencio-McKay, RN, 53, Southern California

How much weight have you lost? 110 pounds! Originally between April, 2006 and February, 2007

What were you like during the time your “before picture” was taken? Not too different personality-wise, but physically … I was a  wreck! I was short of breath with ANY activity, uncomfortable in my clothes, and I refused to have my photo taken. I’m a camera hog now. LOL!

Did you exercise? No

What were your eating habits like? Fat, salt, sugar, beer and way too much of ALL of that!

What inspired you to get fit and lose weight? I’d been fat all my life. I had some successes in the past with “dieting” and gym time, but I could never sustain it. I’m an RN and I used to feel old (I was only 46). But with Nutrisystem, running and this weight-loss, I now feel 10 years younger!

I had a revelation while on a travel assignment in Klamath Falls (elevation 4300 some odd feet).  I was getting so winded going up the 28 or so steps to the parking lot, that if I didn’t make some life style changes I knew I was going to die a whole lot sooner than I should. I contemplated gastric bypass, but I’d seen way too many people die or almost die from it. Plus, my insurance wouldn’t cover it (29K), which in retrospect … I’m very happy I didn’t have the surgery!

Instead, I picked up a People magazine and read about a bunch of different people who lost a significant amount of weight in various ways: Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers and Medifast were some of them.  It was the Nurtisystem commercials that got to me. I was spending $6.50 to $7 a DAY on lunch at the cafeteria, so the financial end of doing Nutrisystem was a no-brainer. I also used to drink probably more than my share of alcohol; it was usually beer but sometimes wine, and almost everyday.

I officially started making changes on April 10, 2006. I was in Klamath Falls and just started making better choices.  I chose oatmeal instead of Cup o’ Noodles for breakfast. I took a chicken salad sandwich to work and used Lean Cuisine for dinner.  Remember, at that time I was lodged in a little motel room. I cut the beer out, and in the first 10 days, I lost 17.5 pounds! I think a lot of it was water weight, but I definitely lost some fat too. I got my Nurtisystem food and started on the program April 21st.

I also started walking while in Klamath Falls with my dogs at the middle school. I used to just sit down and throw their balls, but now I was walking around the track and throwing them their balls. I walked 1/4 mile, which was once around the track, on the first day. I went around twice the next time for a grand total of three laps. A whopping 3/4 of a mile by the end of the last 8 days there.

On April 26th my assignment changed to the Oregon coast (BIG SMILE), and I started walking in the sand with my “boys”; baby steps of course. I could only do about half a mile at first, because the sand is way tougher than pavement. But it’s also much
more forgiving on your joints, so it’s a trade-off. I also walked when I was at home, because I lived close to the sports park. I tried a few steps jogging about 50 feet to start, and thought I was at the level nine on the Perceived Exertion chart. I even called a
friend and told her I was on level nine and she laughed her butt off!

Each time I went out to exercise, I would increase the distance I would run. I go pretty darn slow, but my heart rate stays around 140-150 beats per minute, which is perfect for me. From the first 50 feet back in 2006, I am now doing marathons, ultra-marathons and even have one 100-miler under my belt. **Ultra-marathons are any race over the traditional marathon distance of 26.2 miles.

Marathon training (only running – no walking) in 2010, combined with working a few months on a night shift, and allowing bad habits to return equated to a re-gain of 40 pounds. When your entire life has been full of bad habits/choices, it is very easy to slip back into them. It ranges from a “constant battle” (fighting cravings on a daily basis) to a “constant awareness” (keeping things on an even keep).

Elizabeth McKay: Ultra-Marathoner Fitzness.com

Elizabeth McKay: Ultra-Marathoner

What have you accomplished since you put your foot down? LOL! There’s not enough room or time here, so I’ll just list a few things. Since Sept 2007:

  • Tons of 5ks
  • 50 10Ks
  • 71 half marathons
  • 19 marathons
  • 5 Ultra marathons including one 100-miler

What has been the hardest part of this journey? The constant battle and awareness I’m dealing with right now. I’m re-fighting bad habits.

Most fun part of being the new you? My increased confidence and not being afraid of being in photos.

Tell us about the running community you’re now part of. My current running community is AMAZING! I love my Pacebook Running Community! It’s welcoming to newbies and loving. In the past, I’d encountered other groups that were only about 75% welcoming. As a slower runner, I had some REALLY rude people who were all wrapped up in “you’re not fast enough”, but I don’t associate with them, and I avoid any kind of talk along those lines.

You travel a lot for races. Tell us about that and share some advice for others interested in doing the same. Racing in another city is the most excellent way to SEE that city! I am single, so while I might I travel TO races alone, I am never really alone. I make friends easily, like that of a certain fitness guru at the start line of runDisney’s Expedition Everest Challenge a year ago! (Fitz Koehler) Plan to get rest before you travel for races. You’re not likely to get much sleep in hotels or while dealing with pre-race jitters. Don’t try any weird new foods the night before the race, and TALK to people!

What’s next? I plan to drop the rest of the 40 pounds I gained back; I have 25 to go. I’m also going to work on actually training for triathlons and speed up my half marathon time.

Favorite training song? Currently, it’s “Danger Zone” from Top Gun.

Favorite race? Easy!  Los Angeles Marathon

Favorite healthy food? Hmmm. That’s like asking to choose your favorite child! But if I had to pick just one, I’d say EGGS! I actually refer to eggs as “the world’s most perfect food”. They’re choc’ full of protein and amazingly versatile. Yes, they contain some fat and cholesterol, but they’re totally worth it. On a strictly healthy vein, I have to go with sautéed fresh veggies. You get major “bang for your buck” with them. They’re a great filler, and are very tasty if done right.

Favorite not-so-healthy food? Again, favorite child question. LOL! I love most anything chocolate, ice cream, beer, and donuts. So the theme here is sweets, which I try not to keep in the house. I am not a bread, chip or potato fan.

You wear lots of costumes to races. What inspires that and which costume has been your favorite? The costume thing is relatively new for me, and I generally only wear them to runDisney events. I tend to follow the theme of the race, and try to do a cheap version which is easy to run in. I usually wear running clothes under my costumes to limit any chaffing issues, and I don’t tend to wear them for anything longer than a 10K.

I don’t pay much for my costumes. Costumes.com had a $6.00 last summer, which was great. My favorite costume was “Slutty Alice” (above) which I wore as my 5/10K Mad Dasher’s outfit. Not only was it fun, but I looked wicked cute in it. I also got tons of great kudos for my “Sally” from “Nightmare Before Christmas” costume which I wore to the 5K before runDisney’s Wine & Dine Half Marathon.

Advice for beginners? In regards to weight loss, remember that the most important phrase ever is “no, thank you” when offered goodies. IF you need a certain bad-for-you treat, have a bite……but do it only after you are satisfied by a healthy meal. I could write all day about running. Runs will range from “WOW! Every step was amazing” to “CRAP that sucked … a lot”. If you are winded (too much) just slow down! Get fitted for shoes at a proper running store. Learn what works for you on long runs regarding hydration, fuel, etc… What *I* swear by, might make you hurl, and vice versa.

***Your “before and after” pictures combined with your “before and after” lifestyle changes are nothing short of spectacular. Thank you so much for letting us share your story, Elizabeth. You’re an incredible role model for Fitzness.com readers!

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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