Achieving Ultimate FitznessWorkouts

Unexpected Ways to Sneak Exercise into your Day

By August 31, 2012October 29th, 20142 Comments

Photo Credit: Phil Jones – Photography on

Time in the gym counts for a lot, but did you know that what you do with the time outside of the gym is just as important? Other than your daily workout, think about how you spend the rest of your day. Are you sitting at a desk for hours on end? Are you laying on the couch watching TV? Do you drive somewhere just to sit for even longer?

Well, good news. There are ways to sneak in a little exercise here and there to make your entire day active – not just the one hour block you spend on your official workouts. Making a few subtle changes can go a long way!

1. Do calf raises while doing the dishes. If you still wash your dishes by hand, this could be a great opportunity to do so. If not, commit to walking on your tip-toes while unloading the dishwasher.

2. Wall sit while brushing your teeth. Most people brush at least twice a day. Those are two extra opportunities for a fun little exercise. Just sit against a wall in a squat position until you are done brushing!

3. Stand instead of sit while on the computer. I don’t know about you, but when I get on the computer I lose track of time. With so many things now online, it’s easy to get side-tracked and end up sitting for hours on end. Putting your laptop on a higher ledge will allow you to stand, which is always better than sitting. You can even make it a bit more interesting by standing on one leg in tree pose. You can always go a step beyond by investing in a FitDesk.

4. Get moving during commercial breaks. Watching TV has increased  much more over the years. Similar to the computer, you can get sucked in a not realize you’ve been lying on the couch for hours. Combat this by moving during the commercial breaks. Either do official exercises like crunches and lunges, or get up and do a simple chore. Not only does it allow you to get some exercise, but it makes those commercials go by quicker. Who likes commercials anyway?

5. Take the stairs. Instead of waiting for the elevator, take the stairs! It’s probably faster, and you can certainly get your heart rate up in a short period of time.

6. Walk instead of drive. Going somewhere within walking distance? Put down the car keys! Save gas while burning calories is a good thing.

7. Park farther away. Not everything is within walking distance. So, if you do have to drive, park a little farther away from the store to add a few extra steps into your day.

We want to hear from you!

How do you sneak extra exercise into your day?

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  • CaligirlSM says:

    These are great ideas! I definitely try to sneak in exercise when I can. I walk with a co-worker on my lunch breaks a few times a week. I also keep a small water bottle at my desk, so it forces me to go to the kitchen to fill it up several times a day. And instead of always sending emails, I will get up and have the conversation with the person face to face.

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