In this series, Surprising Ways to Slash 500 Calories, we discuss a variety of ways you can easily eliminate 500 calories from your daily routine resulting in an easy weight loss of one pound per week. You may not even think these food or beverage items “count”, but they do. Our job is to help you in your weight loss goals and even if you were to burn one less calorie day; it would add up over time.

Ping pong or Table Tennis is a very old sport that began in ancient China. The game has grown in popularity over the years making a splash in rec rooms and basements worldwide.

Ping pong may seem a bit leisurely, but you can burn as many calories playing ping pong as you can walking at a brisk pace. The number of calories you burn playing depends on how much muscle you have, age, sex, and fitness level. Regardless of all that, if you are playing an intense and competitive game you can burn a ton of calories.

  • If you weigh between 105-120 lbs., you may burn between 8.4 – 9.5 calories per minute
  • If you weight between 170 and 200 lbs., you may burn between 13.2-15.5 calories per minute

That’s 570 and 930 calories burned in just one hour of ping pong.

Far different from a traditional gym workout, ping pong is a fun form of exercise that will definitely burn some fat while revving up your metabolism.


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