Photo Credit: Fathzer on

In this series, Surprising Ways to Slash 500 Calories, we discuss a variety of ways you can easily eliminate 500 calories from your daily routine resulting in an easy weight loss of one pound per week. You may not even think these food or beverage items “count”, but they do. Our job is to help you in your weight loss goals and even if you were to burn one less calorie day; it would add up over time.

Surfing has long been known as a niche sport that only some can perform; but like everything else … times are changing. Most  beaches now have surf classes taking place each day focusing on everyone from the very young to the very old. The only real problem with surfing is that you need the ocean to do it; however, once you have one … it should be fairly easy to use it. Surfing is a very intense exercise as the amount of effort you use paddling off shore and trying to get up on your surfboard to ride waves can be extremely taxing. If you’re nowhere near the ocean try this uber-cool indoor workout called SurfSet.

A 150 lb. person surfing for 60 minutes can burn up to 400+ calories. This is super dependent on your level of experience and your ability to stay on the waves for a long period of time. Overall, surfing can be a fun new exercise to add to your arsenal for fun ways to burn calories and build total model muscle strength.


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