Have you tried everything to get fit? Lots of people start a fitness regime and don’t see results, and it causes them to stop. But, instead of stopping, you should rethink the strategy. Questions like ‘is the plan right for me?’ and ‘have I tried everything?’ are essential. You see, the trick isn’t doing what everyone else does to get fit – the trick is to personalize the experience. If you’re simply not the “gym type”, than you don’t have to be! Maybe amateur or competitive sports will be your best path to overall fitness instead. With that in mind, here are the sports which are really great for accomplishing that end goal. 


When it comes to a holistic sport, there isn’t one better than swimming, because it works every muscle in the body. After a few dips in the water, everything from your quads to biceps and triceps will benefit. Plus, there is the fact that you need a quality cardiovascular system to do all the requisite reps. And, if that isn’t enough, it is a no impact activity, so it’s a great choice for those who need to pursue workouts gentle on the joints. .

Racquet Sports

On the flip side, there is squash, racquetball or tennis. The aim of the game is to beat your opponent, and you’ll need to play for every point to get past the finishing line. That means chasing down lost causes, lung-busting rallies, and hardly any breaks. All that, and a general session lasts for 30-90 minutes. These are excellent sports for boosting aerobic fitness, burning calories and increasing mobility. 


Basketball is the quintessential American sport, yet it isn’t as popular outside of the USA. If people knew how good it was for their fitness, though, they might change their mind. On the whole, a game of basketball can have all of the physical effects of the two sports above. After all, the game is end to end, so it burns calories, and it’s awesome for relieving stress. It’s also brilliant for hand-eye coordination and decision-making. Studies even show it helps boost confidence, so a quick game of B-ball can also improve life outside of sport.


Racing is a generic term, so let’s get specific. Of course, there is traditional racing that takes place on foot of which most people are aware. But, there is a lot of other styles which are top-notch with regards to fitness. Racing on bikes, skates or scooters can be tough! If you see a sign that says scooters for sale or bikes for sale, don’t dismiss it out of hand. Heading out on two or feels wheels may lead people to believe that the wheels shoulder a lot of effort, but trust me … you are the engine that makes them go! All you have to do is cycle up a big hill to find that out.


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