
LifeShield – Live Safer with this Discount

By November 10, 2010October 26th, 2014No Comments

Fitzness.comis truly an outlet designed to guide my readers towards living better and longer,  but unlike our usual fitness talk … I’ve come across a non-exercise related product that I think also may have a relevance to life extension. It’s called LifeShield and it’s a high-tech home security system (which I’ve scored  a deal for you below). It requires no major installation or wiring and can provide you with all of the information you need to know to keep your heart beating at proper pace.

As a mother, I love that it can let me know if my babysitter has gone outside with the kids (which they aren’t allowed to do), or if a medicine cabinet has been opened. Of course, this system will let me know if a bad guy has entered my home too; except unlike most systems … LifeShield can tell me which door or window has been breached … and it can also message my cell phone if I’m not home to hear an alarm. I like it a lot and it makes me feel much safer. So of course, I contacted the company and asked them if they’d give Fitzness.com readers a break. Yep. They said they’d be happy to. Apparently they want you to live better and longer too! So if you’re interested in LifeShield, use this Coupon Code “webdeal50”  which will give you $50 off of a Home Kit and one month of free monitoring when visiting the LifeShield website (www.LifeShield.com).

5 Home Security Tips from Life Shield

1. Frost or cover your garage windows/doors. This will make a burglar unable to tell whether or not you are home and can discourage them from making an attempt at breaking in.
2. If you have a dark yard, consider adding landscape lighting. It’s a great way to enhance the look of your yard while adding security to the perimeter of your home.
 3. Keep your yard well groomed. Try to make sure your grass, trees and shrubbery are in good shape before you leave, and if possible, have them tended to while you’re gone. One of the most obvious signs that no one is home is overgrown grass and shrubbery (not to mention, overgrown shrubs provide more cover to potential invaders).

4. Reflective numbers outside on the front of your home will make it easy for police and ambulances to find your house in case of emergency.

5. Instead of keeping a spare key in a mailbox, under the doormat, or on a nail behind the garage, wrap the key in foil — or put it in a 35mm film can — and bury it where you can easily find it if you need it.

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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