CelebrityCelebrity Fitzness Interviews

Jersey Shore’s Jonny “The Unit” on Ripped Abs, Drugs, Partying and More

By February 21, 2012March 28th, 20223 Comments

When most people think of MTVs’ “Jersey Shore”, it usually involves visions of fake tans, drunk nights, obnoxious fights, loose women and a whole lot of partying. Granted, the show does play that up, but after speaking with Jonny “The Unit”, I was surprised to learn how much really does go on behind the scenes. He gave insight on how he stays so fit, how he earned his nickname, “The Unit” (ack!), his drug arrest and his future business plans. Can you imagine? This “Jersery Shore” guy  hopes to revolutionize the way people, of all ages, view fitness.

Fitzness: We’ve got to know right off the bat, where did you get your nickname “the Unit”?

Jonny: I was on tour with “The Situation” and his brother, Mark, and we were out doing a club appearance. Girls send us picture messages a lot when we do appearances, and one day I decided to return one. Mark was scrolling through my phone and saw the picture I had returned.  If you’re proud of what you’re working with, you return it, you know? The next day we were approached by a reporter and were asked what my nickname was. Mark answered for me saying I was “The Unit”, referring to the picture message he saw of me, saying I had a mini baseball bat in my pants.

Fitzness: I had to ask! Life on the “Jersey Shore” seems … different. What is a normal day for you?

Jonny: A normal day for me is pretty crazy these days. I wake up around 9:30 or so and make a list of the things that I have to do for the day. I wake up, go over that list real quick and start attacking the tasks. I’m putting together a fitness book and a fitness website, called Think Fitness First, and I’m really devoting a lot of time to it. I also get a protein drink first thing in the morning; generally I have one scoop of whey with some glutamine, amino acids, and add some Flax granola. I do a handful with a little bit of milk. My workout is generally 20 or 30 minutes per day around 11 or 12 o’clock, or in the evening. Usually I eat every 2 hours or so. I drink a lot of water and diet iced tea. But besides that, I’m working on business, fitness, interviews, and club appearances.  I always make time for my girlfriend, and make time to bullsh** with my friends here and there.

Fitzness: You’re completely ripped now, but I’m curious, were you ever fat at any time growing up?

Jonny: I was always thin growing up. I never had to worry about anything, but right around 6th grade, I found myself feeling pretty soft.  I decided I wanted to make a change and I started by cutting out the fats and working out really hard. Instantly, within weeks, I got shredded. It was unbelievable. It never left me. Eating properly and working out always stayed within my daily habits, even when I was in my party phase. I always managed to get my workout in.

Fitzness: What’s your best advice for getting ripped?

Jonny: You have to define a goal that you want. You have to set it in your mind, that it’s something you are going to accomplish. My schedule is so hectic and I’m slacking here and there, but as long as you’re working the whole time and re-defining your goals, you can be back on your A-game with where you need to be. You have to know where you’re going. When you’re looking to get in shape you have a destination. When you have a destination, you have directions and navigation and you have to do anything to get there. But for practical advice, for someone who wants a quick piece of information, I would recommend just eating small meals throughout the day.

Fitzness: How do you balance a crazy nightlife with staying so fit?

Jonny: It’s really mind over matter. You have to keep your diet especially tight if you know you will be taking in empty calories at the end of the night, and you have to, no matter what, get your workout in the next day. Even if you’re going through the motions, you have to have the dedication to keep up with your exercise regimen. If you’re hung-over, my best advice is to chug coconut water. It really re-hydrates you and makes the difference if you need to get going.

Fitzness: You were arrested for possession of Ketamine. What’s the actual level of drug use that goes on in the house?

Jonny: I can’t speak for anyone else, I can only speak for myself, but I have had my ups and downs of partying in the past and I’ve always just come to the conclusion that it’s the wrong path to take. But at one point in your life you make a decision to straighten up and get your priorities straight. My arrest is on the table, and I hope it’s something people can learn from. Abs are cool, but being in court is not.

Fitzness:  Most of the crowd who watches “Jersey Shore” is younger, and many of them look to you guys as role models. What do you think about that?

Jonny: That’s what really got me motivated. People constantly tell me that I’m their role model and I think it’s important that these kids looking up to me know to learn from my mistakes as much as my accomplishments. I hope that they can look to me and can look past just getting drunk and having abs.

Fitzness: Well, you’ve answered all of my questions. Is there anything you maybe want to add in?

Jonny: My twitter is @Jonnytheunit, and my website is jonnytheunit.com and coming soon is my fitness website that’s called thinkfitnessfirst.com. The fitness book is coming out soon, and I really think it’s going to be revolutionary. It’s all about changing the mind, and then the body will follow. I think the younger people are really going to like it.

**Who’s your favorite member of the “Jersey Shore” cast?

Check out our interview with the Jerseylicious ladies who like to fight with each other! Kicking someone in the eye is exercise, right?


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