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I’m an Oakley Woman – You should be too!

By July 17, 2012October 29th, 2014One Comment

I’m very proud to announce that I’ve recently joined forces with Oakley to serve as a brand ambassador. As many of you know, we only promote products here on that we truly love and find beneficial to a healthy lifestyle, and I can honestly say … I LOVE Oakley products. After being introduced to their new line of fitness apparel, the Perform Beautifully Collection, and learning a ton about the Oakley difference in eye-wear … I’m completely smitten. My first impression was “Wow! This stuff is so pretty!”. My second and more import impression was “Holy Moly, this stuff is REALLY high quality”. Folks, I’ve been in the fitness industry since I was a teenager. I’ve NEVER encountered a line of fitness apparel that I liked so much. Made of high-end materials, the shorts, shirts, tanks and pants feel posh, are built with elite structure and details for the female athlete and look sharp on everyone.

I can confidently say that these clothes look superb on everyone, because I recently spent a three-day weekend with about 99 other women (and one funky fun man – Hi Eric!) to participate in an Oakley Experience. Everyone in attendance was outfitted with several Oakley outfits (including me) and I was shocked to find that every. single. person. looked fabulous! The body types ranged from long and lean to short and stout, tall and large to 8 months pregnant (you rule, Brianna). I couldn’t figure out how we all ended up looking terrific, but it was impressive to say the least. Need a cool outfit for an upcoming race, your favorite workout class or just looking cool at the gym? I guarantee you, Oakley’s PBC Collection will ensure you look hot.

I also learned so much more about sunglasses than I ever bargained for. After spending time in Oakley’s “O Lab”, I was shocked to learn how much better Oakley brand sunglasses are for both vision and safety than other popular brands of sunglasses. In a few very straight-forward experiments we could see that other pricey brands distorted vision significantly making our eyes work extra hard to re-adjust. We also enjoyed a few violent experiments where B.B.s were shot at various sunglasses. All of the “other” brands lenses shattered. The Oakley lenses did not. They also dropped a steel spike on several pairs. The “other” brands broke. The Oakley frames did not. This all means that you can expect to NOT have your vision distorted while wearing Oakley glasses and you’re also less likely to have your eyes damaged from broken glasses if you are hit in the face by a branch, rock, ball or other hard object while out training.  I used to think it didn’t matter if I wore cheapo glasses from a drug store. Now I know better. Expect to see me out and about with nothing but Oakley glasses on my face from now on. Would love to see them on yours too!

Lastly – I mentioned my “Oakley Experience” a bit earlier. Well, I bet you can imagine what it entailed. Everything you’ve ever known about Oakley screams sunny, athletic and adventurous fun, right? Well that’s exactly what this Oakley Experience was all about. The weekend was designed to welcome us new ambassadors and share new products with the eye-wear and athletic companies Oakley does business with. We spent three days in Napa, California learning about Oakley Women while running a 5K through a vineyard, cycling on mountains to and through several more vineyards, hiking through Bothe-Napa Valley State Park and taking a cooking class at the Culinary Institute of America. I’m absolutely thrilled to be part of this amazing Oakley team and want you to be part of it too. Check out Oakley’s Perform Beautifully Collection here and start to think about how YOU perform beautifully. Also, to get a great look at my Oakley Experience in Napa and see for yourself how fabulous EVERYONE looked in their Oakley gear – flip through this gallery.

**Thanks to Asics for outfitting everyone with gorgeous running shoes, Garmin for sponsoring training watches and Toyota for hooking us all up with cars for us to drive.

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Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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