Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge 2012

By October 28, 2012October 29th, 2014No Comments

My friend and fellow Oakley Ambassador, Amanda Brooks, started an online challenge five years ago with the goal of helping her readers stay motivated, active and healthy during the holiday season. Like all readers, she believes there is no good reason to be part of the US population that gains 5lbs over the holidays and has to pledge to use it on January 1.

She had no idea this little challenge would turn in to over 1,000 participants last year with $3,000 prizes. From there she began hosting monthly challenges on different topics. #BestFoot Challenges are about not waiting for a Monday, a birthday or New Year’s to make changes. It’s easy to get caught up in a desire for perfection that prevents us from taking small steps each day to reach our goals.

Each year Amanda hears from participants about the ways in which their lives have changed from committing to this fun program. People have gone from walking around the block to running their first 5K; from finishing their only 5K to deciding to complete a half marathon; from dreading the holiday food season to being shocked at losing weight.

Why is this challenge so effective?
Community: Change is easier together. When you see someone else who never worked out in the morning suddenly getting up every day or someone who has declared they hate vegetables trying to incorporate them you realize that change is possible. You may also be thinking “If he/she can do it, then I sure can!”

Competition: No one likes to lose. You may not be overly competitive, but somewhere inside there is the drive to do just a little more than the person next to you…admit it you’ve been on the treadmill at some point and thought I can go faster or longer than so and so next to me.  Being competitive is a good thing when it comes to our health, as it can drive us to make changes or stick to a schedule.

Habits: HBBC provides a structure where other habits can also begin to flourish. It sounds silly, but something as simple as tracking your workouts and fruit/veggie servings every day starts to create habits. Suddenly you are thinking of ways to work in movement or add a vegetable to your afternoon snack.  Studies have shown that what we measure we change because it allows us to focus on a particular area and fix anything that is not working.

Experts: This year has the added benefit of experts on board to answer questions. If you are concerned adding mileage or trying cross fit, they will be available in the private Facebook Group to help you make the best choice.  When they aren’t answering questions, experts will also be providing tips on the website for workouts, injury prevention and healthy food swaps.

Pay Up: The November issue of Runner’s World had an article that also explains why this year will be even better. When you pay for a race or to join a challenge, you feel committed to getting the most out of it so you don’t lose that money. HBBC unlike a race could actually end up paying you since there are weekly prizes and grand prizes based solely on participation!

If you’d like to know more about the challenge and all the great things it includes like ask an expert, #bestfoot instagram pics and tweet chats checkout for more details and to register now.

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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