
Fitness: The ‘F’ is for Fun!

By March 23, 2015No Comments

Most people think fitness is such a huge and difficult task. In all reality though, fitness is super fun. One key to exercising is having fun in the process. Once that mentality comes to your realization, your whole perspective of fitness will change drastically.

  • Find something that interests you, whether it be swimming, running marathons, boxing, biking, hiking, or whatever! Once you get past that part, you are now ready to take on the world.
  • Find a workout buddy who has similar goals and aspirations as you. The transition into regularly working out is much easier if you have somebody else doing it with you. You and your workout partner will help to motivate each other and this motivation will help you to achieve the goals you’ve set.
  • Enjoy the burn. When you are not used to working out, your body will you let you know of it for sure. Do not be discouraged though. As long as you stay persistent, your body will adjust and you will be in less pain in no time.
  • Music is your best friend! Make a playlist specifically for when you are working out. Play music that will pump you up and get you in the groove to kill your entire workout. For the most part, upbeat music makes us all want to move anyway, so make it your right hand man!
  • Failure. Do not worry about failing in the gym; you are supposed to fail in the gym. When you try your hardest to get that last rep and it just doesn’t go up, you’ve reached your max potential. There will be a next time and that will be the time when you DO get that last rep. It’s okay to fail as long as you get back up and try again.

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