Achieving Ultimate FitznessBeauty

Comfy & Confident in Your Undies? Would you Pose for Pictures in Them?

By May 5, 2014March 9th, 2015One Comment
Would you pose in your undies?

Would you pose in your undies?

We’ve all seen the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty which glorifies women of all shapes and sizes in their underwear declaring, “we are all beautiful”. Love it, right? It’s a brilliant platform which strikes to the heart of this point, beauty comes in various forms.  This, of course, makes me think of you, my faithful fitness enthusiasts.

Some of you are in the best shape of your life and some of you are still struggling to get there. But either way, how many of you (men and women alike) would feel comfortable and confident posing in your underwear for tasteful pictures? On another note, how many of you feel comfortable roaming around your own home in little more than undergarments?  Is it all a matter of body confidence or perspective? I’m pretty easy in the undies at home, but on some freak days I hide under a big silly hoodie that makes me look like I’m in a gang.  As for the pictures … I’d do it, but only because I’ve already done so in a swimsuit. What’s the difference?

My advice for those of you who would shout a resounding “no” to these questions, although would love to improve your body confidence? Start making improvements today.  Even if you have 100 pounds to lose, eating fruit salad over chips and dips this afternoon will spike your self-esteem.  Going for a short walk will also increase your swagger as well. We’re not all cut out for the catwalk, but we are all made to be great. The simple knowledge that you’re moving in a positive direction will make you feel better about yourself.   Each great choice you make will result in a better body image. Maybe a simple sexy selfie is in your future?

Use this comment section and sound off.  Are you a picture poser or a panty roamer? And if not … what would it take to get you there?

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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