Success StoriesWeight Loss

Melissa DiStefano: This is How I Lost Nearly 30 Pounds – Only 15 More to Go!

By August 21, 2013October 29th, 2014No Comments
Melissa DiStefano

Melissa DiStefano



Melissa DiStefano, 38, Gainesville, Florida


Profession: Manager a Medical Clinic, Mom, Social Media Consultant, and Head Bottle Washer

How much weight have you lost? 28.9lbs

How’d you lose it? Diet and Exercise. Plain and Simple.

What prompted you to lose weight? I had finally, and I mean finally gotten down to my high school weight. I was wearing single-digit clothes, sporting a bathing suit without embarrassment, and then BLAMO! I got pregnant. Which is a long crazy story in-and-of-itself. We tried for 15 years to get pregnant, and were told by seven doctors that there was no way, no-how; it just wasn’t happening. Well….. it did. Twice. Two kids, and four years later this weight loss was way over-due.

How long did it take? Six months, so far.

What was the hardest part? The exercise. Time is a precious thing around our home. I started the Couch 2 5K program. I used to love exercise and my sister completed Couch to 5K, so I thought this would be exactly what I needed to get back in shape. The first time I started it, and at week six, I found out I had a heart condition and the cardio wasn’t helping. So I needed to stop the cardio and focus on weight training instead. I became deflated and quit.

I still ate well, keeping it to 1200 calories and all natural foods.  I don’t eat anything that has more than six ingredients in it, and they all better be pronounceable.  Nothing artificial at all. Basically, if it’s meat, fish, veggie or fruit, I eat it.

About a month ago, after losing a bulk of the weight, I thought I’d start Couch to 5K again, and this time it’s my breathing that’s making me struggle. I always suspected I had Exercise Induced Asthma, but this is way weirder. After my last workout of Couch 2 5K (week 3 day 1) I found myself unable to catch my breath, or take a satisfying deep breath, this lasted for five whole days! I finally turned to my doctor, who was no help. And then Google. I had the hardest time figuring out what was plaguing my breathing. Turns out, I breathe too much when I run. I take in too much Oxygen and don’t exhale enough, so I was crushing my lungs with carbon dioxide. I am still figuring out the magic breathing pattern for me. But I am not going to give up!

Most fun part of your weight loss? Exercising with my friend Keri. Being able to chat and catch up, while getting healthy has been awesome. I love all the new friends I’ve made on MyFitnessPal too.

Most rewarding experience? Seeing the scale go down and slowly but surely – my ever-expanding wardrobe.

Who/what inspires you when you feel like quitting? I am in competition with myself, I need to do this for me. My husband has been great; he keeps me going. But this time, it’s for me.

How has this weight loss changed your life? I don’t get headaches anymore, I have way more energy, and my kids love to “help” me. My 3.4 year-old loves to sit on my back while I plank and hold on to my legs while I do leg raises. He laughs and thinks it’s hysterical.

Advice for others who’d like to lose weight: You’ll hear this all the time, but just do it. Don’t wait for Monday. Who cares what day you start? And STOP saying I’ll start tomorrow, because you know that tomorrow will turn into the day after that and the day after that.

Your must-have fitness equipment. I use an empty milk jug and fill it with water or beans.  I lift my kids, do sit ups, walk around the block, use cans as weights… I just find a way to do it. Who needs fancy anything?

Favorite training song: I don’t have one. I am too busy focusing on my breathing to listen to music, but I am sure I’ll have one soon enough.

Favorite healthy food: Roasted Sweet Potatoes, topped with chives and bacon crumbles.  Greek yogurt and fruit, cause I can eat fruit all day! Wait, was I only supposed to pick one?

Favorite not-so-healthy food: Chicken Parmesan, definitely. But I have made a lighter recipe with baked chicken, and it’s delicious.

Funniest /weirdest/most awkward experience during your weight loss journey.  I refuse to buy a new bathing suit until I hit my goal weight, because bathing suit shopping is just the worst. So we went to this huge pool recently and I jumped in with my son, and my bathing suit bottoms slipped off! All-the-way-off. Awesome.

Future goals: Run a 5K, lose 15 more pounds, change my two-pack to a four or even six-pack!

Have some words of congratulations or motivation for Melissa? Use the comment section to give her that extra push!

Congratulations Melissa! We’re so proud of and inspired by you. Let us know when you ditch those extra 15 pounds. We can’t wait to hear all about it and see that final AFTER photo as well.

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Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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