Achieving Ultimate FitznessWorkouts

10 Commandments for Gym Members

By November 30, 2011October 26th, 2014One Comment

Photo credit: Scott and White Healthcare

If you’ve recently bought a new health club membership, but are now terrified to go, rest at ease. Health clubs are the perfect place for both beginners and experts, and usually have the staff to guide you from one level to the next. You spent the dough, now take control of your life and use that gym! Stop playing mind games with yourself and follow these 10 exercise commandments.

1. I will be impressed with everyone who walks through the front door of my health club. After all, they came here to improve themselves. I will understand that everyone is equally impressed with me.

2. I will utilize the health club staff for a first day introduction to the gym. I will take notes as they explain how to use each machine.

3. I will purchase three exercise outfits, which I feel comfortable in. That way, I will never feel self-conscious about whether or not I look good.

4. I will understand that the other people in the gym are probably far too busy to look at me anyway.

5. I will ask questions if I am not sure how to use a machine. The gym staff is there to make sure my workouts are safe and effective. They will be pleased to offer assistance.

6. I will participate in a beginner’s group fitness class. This course will allow me to try out the moves and get comfortable with them before I attempt a more advanced class.

7. I will ask a staff trainer to teach me three new exercises every two weeks. This will ensure that my workouts stay fresh, and progress at a pace that I can handle.

8. I will always remember that the health club is a place for individual improvement; it is not a place for competition. There are no trophies at the end of the workout, so I will not feel forced to keep up with anyone around me.

9. I will stick with it. Everything I’ve done was once new to me, yet I have overcome tons of different challenges in my life. The more I come to the gym, the more I will feel at home.

10. I will feel proud of my accomplishments, and congratulate myself after every workout! I will reward myself occasionally for all the hard work.

To find a reputable health club near you visit

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

One Comment

  • Kristen says:

    I really, really like #1 — I think a lot of people tend to believe their workout is more important than other people’s. You know that woman who’s walking at 2.5 mph on the treadmill? She isn’t taking up space and screwing up your workout — she’s improving her health, and there’s no reason you can’t find another machine to use for a few minutes while she wraps up her workout.

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