Ask Fitz Q & AWeight Loss

Why Losing Weight is Hard

By May 5, 2014March 9th, 2015One Comment

I’m often asked why losing weight is so hard. The answer is simple, it probably won’t sound super sweet, but my job is to give you honest advice with a dose of reality. I’d like to start answering this question by pointing out that gaining weight was probably a lot of fun and required zero effort at all. It’s true! Gaining 30, 40, 50 pounds or more is a ball. To do that, you can ignore calories, eat as much crap as you want and avoid exercise at all costs. It’s so easy. You could really just sit on the couch with a bowl of ice cream and easily gain dozens of pounds. Soooo easy!

Taking those pounds off, on the other hand, will require some thought and effort. Not as completely mindless and easy as gaining, but in my opinion, the price is worth the payoff. So here’s the deal: losing weight will require you to exert some energy and restraint, but it doesn’t have to cause suffering and misery. You just have to get your head on straight and do what fit people do.

  1. First, you must manage your caloric intake. Decide what you’d like to weigh and throw a zero on the end of that number. That’s about how many calories you should consume on a daily basis to get there. For example: if you’d like to weigh 135 pounds, you would aim to consume 1,350 calories each day. A large body consuming this amount of calories daily will shrink down to a smaller body which can sustain it’s size on 1,350 calories a day. Read more in The EXACT FORMULA for WEIGHT LOSS!
  2. Visit and start logging the foods and drinks you consume daily. You might be alarmed by what
    you’ve taken in each day. Aim to consume lots of foods which contain a much smaller amount of calories than your norm. You should feel energized and satisfied by those foods you’ve chosen to consume each day. You should also ditch the caloric beverages; that’s an easy way to cut calories and lose weight fast.
  3. Exercise vigorously most days of the week. Yes, this is what fit and trim people do. Two or three times a week is not enough. When you’re trying to lose weight, workouts need to play a major role in your life. Plan to do a bunch of cardio which makes you huff and puff, some strength training which makes you grunt and groan and quite a bit of stretching to keep your muscles pliable and injury free. Five or six days of training is a must! Choose exercises you enjoy whenever possible, exercise with friends and ensure the music you love most is always cranking in the background. These things will keep you committed and excited about your workouts.

So yep, losing weight is hard, but just think how much better everything in your world will be once you’ve done it. Just like the other fantastic things in lifeearning a college degree, climbing the corporate ladder, raising lovely kids, and buying a nice house … earning and maintaining a fit body requires effort too . Most things worth having do.

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for over two decades and has impecable skills for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. TV Personality, Speaker, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson ... put Fitz on a stage or in a studio and watch big changes happen.

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